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2018-2019 annual management report

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Tuesday, 24 September, 2019

On September 24, 2019, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Andrée Laforest, tabled the 2018-2019 annual management report of the Régie du logement in the National Assembly.

“During the 2018-2019 fiscal year, there was a notable decrease in the average wait time for a first hearing in both priority and general civil cases. This represents the third consecutive decrease in as many years. In 2018-2019, the wait time for priority civil cases was 11.4 months, whereas in 2014-2015, it was 16.6 months. For general civil cases, the wait time decreased from 21 months in 2013-2014 to 14.1 months in 2018-2019,” pointed out the Régie du logement’s Chairman of the Board, Mtre. Patrick Simard.

The information that was published today shows that the average wait to obtain a first hearing, all case categories combined, was 4.5 months in 2018-2019 compared with 4.9 months in the previous fiscal year.

“These improvements are the result of hard work at every step of the process when an application is filed with the tribunal, in particular, with respect to scheduling cases on the roll and organizing hearings. These efforts will continue in 2019-2020. The year was marked by excitement and enthusiasm, with important announcements that will enable the Régie du logement, on the eve of its 40th anniversary, to meet the numerous challenges it faces. Over the coming year, the Régie will continue to refine its processes and promote the integration of information technologies in order to enhance the performance of the tribunal,” stated Mtre. Simard, in closing.

To obtain additional information, see the Annual Report (in French only).