Tribunal administratif du logement
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The Act to limit lessors' right of eviction and to enhance the protection of senior lessees, assented to on June 6, 2024, prohibits the eviction of a lessee for the purpose of subdividing, enlarging or changing the destination of a dwelling for a period of three years.
Consult the following document to learn more about the exceptions that apply:
Télécharger le PDF : Loi limitant le droit d’éviction des locateurs et renforçant la protection des locataires aînés
For a limited time, citizens who wish to learn more about their rights and obligations in cases of repossession and eviction may ask to be contacted by the information service of the Tribunal to obtain answers to their questions. An information clerk will contact the citizen within two business days.
The Tribunal’s telephone information service has also been adjusted to make it easier for citizens to obtain information on these matters.
I would like to be contacted by the information service regarding a question about repossessing a dwelling or evictions to divide a dwelling, enlarge it substantially or change its destination.
Note: Many of the rules set out below apply only to eviction notices sent on or after February 21, 2024. If the notice was sent before that date, the lessee who receives an eviction notice must, if he refuses to leave the dwelling, file an Objection to eviction - Notice given before February 21, 2024 form with the Tribunal administratif du logement. If he fails to do so, he is deemed to have agreed to vacate the dwelling. Where an objection is brought, the burden is on the lessor to show that he truly intends to subdivide, enlarge or change the destination of the dwelling, that this is not a pretext for other purposes and that he is permitted to do so by law. The lessor is legally obligated to pay an indemnity equal to three months’ rent and reasonable moving expenses to the evicted lessee. The lessee may also apply to the Tribunal if he or she considers that the prejudice sustained justifies a higher indemnity.
Télécharger le PDF : Notice of eviction
The lessor of a dwelling may evict the lessee to divide the dwelling, enlarge it substantially or change its destination.
He must then give a written notice to the lessee.
The notice must indicate the date and the reason for eviction and incorporate the contents of article 1959.1 of the Civil Code of Québec (restrictions on the right to evict if the lessee is 65 years of age or over). It must also be sufficiently clear so that the lessee is able to fully understand the lessor’s intentions and evaluate the impact.
A notice that does not contain all the required information or fails to meet the stipulated deadlines may be declared invalid by the Tribunal.
In addition, there are special rules for private seniors’ residences and other types of housing for seniors. For further information on this topic, please refer to the Signing a lease with a private residence section of our website.
The lessor of a dwelling may not evict a lessee if the lessee, or the lessee’s spouse, at the time of the eviction, is 65 years of age or over, has occupied the dwelling for at least 10 years, and has income equal to or less than 125% of the maximum income to qualify for a dwelling in low-rental housing under the By-law respecting the allocation of dwellings in low rental housing.
Note: On June 6, 2024, article 1959.1 of the Civil Code of Québec was amended. The criteria that applied prior to June 6, 2024 continue to apply in the following cases:
In such cases, the lessor may not evict a lessee if the lessee or the lessee’s spouse, at the time of eviction:
Télécharger le PDF : Response to a notice of eviction
If the lessee refuses or does not respond to the notice, the lessor can apply to the Tribunal for authorization to evict the lessee. This application must be made within one month of the refusal or expiry of the lessee's response period.
The lessor shall then show the Tribunal that he truly intends to subdivide, enlarge or change the destination of the dwelling, that this is not a pretext for other purposes, and that he is permitted to do so by law.
Lease ofmore than 6 months
6 months before termination of the lease
Within 1 month of receiving the lessor’s notice.
If the lessee does not respond, they are deemed to have refused to vacate the dwelling.
Within 1 month of the lessee’s refusal or the expiry of the deadline for the lessee to respond
Lease of 6 months or less
1 month before termination of the lease
Lease with an indeterminate term
6 months before intended date of eviction
The lessor shall pay to the evicted lessee reasonable moving expenses as well as an indemnity equal to one month's rent for each year of uninterrupted lease of the dwelling by the lessee, which indemnity may not however exceed an amount representing 24 months' rent or be less than an amount representing 3 months' rent. If the lessee considers that the injury suffered warrants a greater indemnity, the lessee may apply to the court to have the amount fixed. At the lessee's request, the Tribunal can also set a later date for the lessee's eviction.
The lessee may recover damages resulting from his eviction whether or not he has consented to it, unless the lessor proves that the eviction was in good faith. The lessee may also apply for punitive damages against the person who has evicted him in bad faith.
A dwelling that has been the subject of an eviction may not, without the authorization of the court, be leased or used for a purpose other than that for which the right was exercised. If the Tribunal gives authorization to lease the dwelling, it fixes the rent.
The Tribunal has a conciliation service. This is a simple, fast, free, optional, and confidential service that allows you to meet with the other party with a conciliator present, so you can try to find an amicable solution to your dispute.
To be eligible for a conciliation session, you must first have filed an application with the Tribunal.
For additional information, please refer to the Conciliation between lessor and lessee section.