Tribunal administratif du logement
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Friday, 25 June, 2021
On July 1, the Tribunal administratif du logement will respond to inquiries from lessees and lessors.
Although July 1 is a statutory holiday, again this year, the Tribunal will be just a phone call away to respond to information requests on that often-frenzied day.
Telephone information service clerks will be on duty July 1, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please note, however, that the staff on duty will be reduced and no services will be provided at the counters of the various Tribunal administratif du logement offices.
Our offices will be open on Friday July 2 during the usual office hours. Consult our online booking service to make an appointment.
To reach the Tribunal by phone, call the following numbers:
Montréal, Laval and Longueuil
514 873-BAIL (2245)
1 800 683-BAIL (2245)
The Tribunal administratif du logement reminds the public that a new lessee’s right to occupy the premises begins on the first day of the lease. The former lessee has no “grace period” to vacate the premises and remove his or her belongings from the dwelling. The former lessee has an obligation to hand over the dwelling in the condition in which he or she received it.
Circumstances may arise that mean the old lessee’s move is not complete before the arrival of the new occupant. In that case, the old lessee must give the new lessee access to the dwelling. It is recommended to vacate one room or several rooms if possible, so that the new lessee can put his or her belongings there.
The lessor has the obligation to deliver the dwelling in good condition on the date agreed upon and should therefore check the state of the premises after the departure of the former lessee. He would be wise to establish the terms and conditions for the move by consulting with both the new and the old lessee. The Tribunal administratif du logement invites all those involved to be courteous and civic-minded, and exercise their rights in a reasonable manner.
We remind you that the interactive voice response system and the website of the Tribunal administratif du logement make it possible to obtain precise, relevant information at any time on the rights and obligations of lessees and lessors.